Preventative Care@3x

National Cat Health Month

Feb 16, 2017 | Arizona Pet Health, Cat, Uncategorized

National Cat Health MonthLet’s talk about cats, shall we? Going by poll numbers,“Team Cat” is clearly ahead in the hearts of American pet owners: approximately 86 million of America’s pets are cats versus an estimated 78 million dogs.

So when it come to healthcare, why do so many cats fall so far behind? Quite simply, too many pet owners believe their cat doesn’t need routine wellness check-ups. They couldn’t be more wrong. Cats need to visit the vet at least once per year, but ideally they should be seen every six months. Since February is National Cat Health Month, we’re going to look at six big reasons why you need to make an appointment for your kitty ASAP!

  1. Teeth cleaning & dental care (Psst – it’s also Pet Dental Health Month so you’ll save $50!)
  2. Spaying & Neutering – cats are prolific breeders, so it’s a must
  3. Changes in a cat’s health can happen quickly, so preventive care is important
  4. Sick cats often show no signs of being ill – they hide symptoms and pain well
  5. Early diagnosis of health problems equals early intervention/better outcome
  6. Regular vaccinations are vital to protecting your pet from diseases

Don’t wait for veterinary visits – make regular head to toe exams for your cat part of your routine. While you might not know what to look for, you’re far more likely to pick up on any changes in your pet’s health, and as a bonus it helps your pet get used to being handled. Your vet and vet techs will thank you!

So now that you see the importance of preventive care for your furry feline friends, when is the last time your cat got a health check up? If the answer isn’t within the last six months, then it’s time to give us a call. Find your nearest AZPetVet animal hospital here.

Disclaimer: Not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If you think your pet has a medical emergency, call or visit your veterinarian or your local veterinary emergency hospital immediately.